Struggling with all energy (Qtr 3 - Week 6: 6 August)

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Struggling with all energy (Qtr 3 - Week 6: 6 August)

Post by LMcDonald »

Wk 6 Struggling with all energy.JPG
Key Text: “To this end I strenuously contend, struggling with all the energy Christ so powerfully works in me” (Colossians 1:29, NIV)

This lesson focuses on several essential elements that help us build a threefold strategy for overcoming crucibles. First, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we must cultivate understanding of the truth about God, evil, and ourselves in the immediate context of our life and in the larger context of the great controversy. While it is true that merely understanding our situation is not enough, this understanding is the crucial, foundational stepping-stone upon which the other elements are placed to construct the right response to the crucible. We need to know why things happen and answer these questions: Whose side do we choose to stand on, and why?

Second, we must understand the nature of our God-given free will. Yes, it is true that God is sovereign and gives us salvation and all the good things for living and prospering. However, He created us with true freedom, without which we would not be the same. That is why God empowers and calls us to exercise our free will and collaborate with Him in the great work of salvation and the development of His kingdom.

Third, this collaboration requires of us radical commitment and perseverance. We cannot collaborate with two different kings that are at war with each other. We must know the truth, choose the just and loving King of heaven, align our lives with His principles, and fully commit to the cause of His kingdom, no matter what. These principles will give us the full, ever renewable energy to fight and overcome in the crucible of this life.

Lesson Themes: This week’s lesson highlights three major themes.
1. The role of truth in overcoming crucibles
2. The role of our free will in overcoming crucibles
3. The role of commitment and perseverance in overcoming crucibles

Thought questions: What is the role of our wills, and willpower, in the battle with self and sin? How can we avoid the mistake of letting our feelings rule the decisions we make? Why must we persevere and not give up when in the crucible?

Struggling with all energy (Qtr 3 - Week 6: 6 August) Part1
Struggling with all energy (Qtr 3 - Week 6: 6 August) Part2

Audio recordings are available 5-10 minutes after the show has aired.

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