Dying like a seed (Qtr 3 - Week 12: 17 September)

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Dying like a seed (Qtr 3 - Week 12: 17 September)

Post by LMcDonald »

Wk 12 Dying like a seed.jpg
Key Text: “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone; . . . but if it dies, it produces much grain” (John 12:24, NKJV)

Jesus’ picture of a kernel of wheat dying is a fascinating analogy of our submission to God’s will. First, there is the falling. The kernel that falls from the wheat stalk has no control over where or how it falls to the ground. It has no control over the ground that surrounds and then presses over it.

Second, there is the waiting. As the kernel lies in the earth, it does not know what the future holds. It cannot “imagine” what life will be like in the future, for it is only a kernel of wheat.

Third, there is the dying. The kernel cannot possibly become a wheat stalk unless it gives up its safe, comfortable situation as a kernel. It must “die”; that is, it must give up what it has always been before so it may be transformed from a seed into a fruit-bearing plant.

Lesson Themes: This week’s lesson highlights two major themes:
1. Death to sin sets the framework for the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit Himself personally implements the transformation of our characters unto the image of Jesus Christ and empowers us to live lives of sacrificial service and obedience to God.
2. If we do not experience death to sin, we will continue a life of self-centredness and self-service, a life of sin that, in fact, leads to death.

Thought question: If we know that God’s will is best for us, why do we have such a hard time accepting it? What example of submission has Christ left for us? How do you see the analogy of the kernel of wheat as applying to your own life?

Dying like a seed (Qtr 3 - Week 12: 17 September) Part1
Dying like a seed (Qtr 3 - Week 12: 17 September) Part2

Audio recordings are available 5-10 minutes after the show has aired.

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