WinWellness - Command Centre - the Brain

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WinWellness - Command Centre - the Brain

Post by PAHaworth »

Our brain is an awesome organ. It is God’s beautiful creative gift to each of us. So how can you take better care of the one incredible brain God has given you?
1. Give it a lot of pure water daily
2. Flood it with outdoor fresh air/oxygen by exercise, like walking
3. Fruits, vegetables and nuts give it vital nutrition
4. Wear a protective helmet when riding bikes and motorcycles or skiing etc
5. Avoid any addictive substances that destroy mental capacities
6. Do everything possible to prevent a stroke or blood clot
7. As you get older stimulate it with new thoughts and skills
8. Feed it mentally and spiritually with uplifting materials. The mind will seek the level of the things upon which it habitually feeds. It will expand to higher levels
9. Thank God for your mental abilities and ask Him to fill your mind with His mind
10. The enemy of our soul wants control of your mind - like he did Eve’s. Reject his plan.
So be good to your brain, your highly strategic and sacred Command Centre which is where your WILL is located. Which of the above 10 things do you intentionally choose to implement starting now in order to be good to your brain?
You can Choose a New Direction
A better life for you can start today. Tell yourself you are in control of your character and you alone will decide what kind of person you want to be. Choose to live - choose to be healthy - choose to be positive - choose to be a nice person - choose to forgive - choose to keep God’s commandments - choose well - choose eternity. You are making your future one choice at a time - one moment at a time in your frontal lobe. Choose to be a WINNER! It is all up to you

1. What impressed you about the topic on the brain?
2. Do you feel that parents’ choices influence their children’s choices and habits? If so, how?
3. If you feel comfortable, share a big victory that took place in the battlefield of your mind. How did you feel about the victory after the battle was over? Did God help you with the battle? Was there evidence of supernatural intervention?

Exercise for you to look at and follow
1. In the battle between the upper and the lower brain, in what areas would you like to grow and to form more positive habits? Ask yourself: what are some of my negative or bad habits that need to be broken and changed?
2. What new habits do I desire to develop?
3. What steps can I take to change the old habit?
4. What can I do to insure my brain functions at an optimum level?

 I am intentional about breaking my bad habit of _________________________________
 I am intentional about starting a new positive habit which is _________________________
 I choose today to take care of my brain. Yes____ No____
 I am intentional about taking control of my character and what kind of person I want to be with God’s help. Yes____ No____

Personal Intentionality—Begin today—Be intentional!

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