A large number of studies on the relation of cancer risk to diet have been compiled and concluded that a diet, high in fruits and vegetables, reduced the risk for many cancers. Here is a brief summary of the recommendations:
Choose predominately plant-based diets rich in a variety of vegetables, fruits, beans/legumes, and minimally processed starchy staple foods
Maintain a healthy body weight
If your occupation is inactive (as many are) take an hour’s brisk walk or similar exercise daily. And get at least an hour of vigorous exercise each week
Eat 400 to 800 grams (at least 5 or more servings) of fresh fruits and vegetables every day all year round. Plant foods most protective against cancer are leafy greens, broccoli, bok-choy[Chinese cabbage], cabbage, garlic, onions, and fruit, including tomatoes
Eat 7 or more servings of whole grains, beans/legumes, and root vegetables daily
Don’t drink alcohol
If you must eat red meat, eat it sparingly
Limit your consumption of fatty foods, particularly those of animal origin.
As you can see, these studies indicate that a major factor in preventing cancer is eating a plant-based diet - or something close to it. Following the recommendations can go a long way toward preventing cancer, cutting your risk by half or more.
RECOMMENDATIONS to reduce the risk of CANCER