Jesus, The Promised Son (Week 3: 15 January)

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Jesus, The Promised Son (Week 3: 15 January)

Post by LMcDonald »

Throughout human history, people have looked forward to the coming Redeemer. After the Fall, our first parents, Adam and Eve, thought that Cain, their firstborn son, would be the promised Deliverer. Abraham was given the promise that, through his son Isaac, all the nations on earth would be blessed. David was promised a son who, if faithful to God, would be established forever. However, none of these people thought that God Himself would be the promised Redeemer. Prophets in the Old Testament sometimes made cryptic Messianic predictions by using the phrase “in the latter days” (see Num. 24:14–17), which is different from other Old Testament prophecies that use a phrase like “time of the end” (see Dan. 8:17, 19). With the coming of Christ, the “last days” arrived. After a long period of time, which is sometimes called the intertestamental period, God spoke once again. This time, however, He spoke most clearly, and qualitatively, in the most superior manner through Jesus Christ. Christ is equal to God because He is “the exact imprint of God’s very being” (Heb. 1:3, NRSV), and being divine, He also is the Creator, as well as the Sustainer of the universe. Someone might ask, if Christ is equal to God, how can Paul, speaking in behalf of the Father, write of Jesus, “You are my Son; today I have begotten you” (Heb. 1:5, NRSV)? Does that imply that Jesus was somehow begotten and not eternal? Find out in this week's study.

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