Jesus, the Giver of Rest (Week 5: 29 January)

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Jesus, the Giver of Rest (Week 5: 29 January)

Post by LMcDonald »

HEBREWS 1 AND 2, as we saw, show us that Jesus is the King of the people of God. We also saw that Jesus frees His people from sin. Hebrews 3 and 4 introduce Jesus as a better leader than Moses or Joshua. Why? Because Jesus is the One who will give God’s people rest. But Israel did
not get this rest because they had “evil thoughts that cause so much doubt” in their hearts. The doubt caused them to “stop following the living God” (Hebrews 3:12, ERV). We can better understand this idea about Jesus as the Giver of rest when we remember the promise that God made to King David. God promised to give the king and his people “peace” from the enemies who bothered them (2 Samuel 7:10, ERV; read also 2 Samuel 7:11). We can have this same rest right now because Jesus sits at the right side of God.

Hebrews explains that the rest that Jesus gives us belongs to God and is the same in some ways as a Sabbath rest (Hebrews 4:1–11). God gave this rest to Adam and Eve. When we keep the Sabbath, we remember that God made us. The Sabbath also helps us remember that God is
our Saviour. At the same time, the Sabbath gives us a “taste” of the future life that God promises us.

What are your thoughts; does the world still need Sabbath? Does it matter which day?

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