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Joseph, master of dreams (Qtr 2 - Week 11: 11 June)

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2022 8:58 pm
by LMcDonald
Wk 11 Joseph Master of dreams.JPG
Key Text: “Then they said to one another, ‘Look, this dreamer is coming!’ ” (Genesis 37:19, NKJV)

Introduction: Although Joseph is one of the sons of Jacob, he stands out as a great patriarchal figure, similar to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. In fact, Joseph occupies more space in the book of Genesis than any of these three patriarchs. The stories of Joseph contrast with the preceding stories of rape, murder, and prostitution. Unlike the other patriarchs, who often stumble and misbehave, Joseph remains pure and compassionate. Like the prophet Daniel, Joseph is a wise man and a prophet. He is a wise man who behaves intelligently and finds the right solutions to problems of politics and economics; but he also is a prophet who receives God’s revelations to communicate to His people. Joseph not only receives dreams from God, but he also is able to interpret the dreams of other people, from the prison to the court of Pharaoh. Joseph represents the righteous person par excellence. He survives crime, deception, and violence. God defeats the acts of evil and the traps directed at Joseph and uses them to fulfill His designs. In fact, God turns all the wicked acts into opportunities to advance Joseph. Each time, Joseph comes out greater, whether it is from the pit, from slavery, from prison, or in the court of Pharaoh. God’s blessing of Joseph is not just for his happiness. It is through Joseph that God’s blessing of Abraham is fulfilled (compare Genesis 12:3, Genesis 22:18). Through Joseph, not only the family of Israel but all the nations will be blessed and saved.

Thought question: Why is it important to witness to the leaders of the world? What spiritual message can we convey through the quality of our work?

Joseph, master of dreams (Qtr 2 - Week 11: 11 June) Part1
Joseph, master of dreams (Qtr 2 - Week 11: 11 June) Part2

Audio recordings are available 5-10 minutes after the show has aired.