Rebellion in a perfect universe (Qtr 4 - Week 1: 1 October)

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Rebellion in a perfect universe (Qtr 4 - Week 1: 1 October)

Post by LMcDonald »

Wk 1 Rebellion in a perfect universe.jpg
Key Text: “ ‘How you have fallen from heaven, you star of the morning, son of the dawn! You have been cut down to the earth, you who defeated the nations!’ ” (Isaiah 14:12, NASB).

Many thinkers have tried to explain the origin of evil. Some suggest that evil always has existed because, in their view, good can be appreciated only in contrast to evil. Others believe that the world was created perfect but, somehow, evil emerged. For example, in Greek mythology, evil started when the curious Pandora opened a sealed box out of which flew all the evils of the world (this myth, however, does not explain the origin of the evils supposedly hidden in that box).

By contrast, the Bible teaches that our loving God is all-powerful (1 Chronicles 29:10, 11) and perfect (Matthew 5:48). All that He does must likewise be perfect (Deuteronomy 32:4), which includes how He created our world. How, then, could evil and sin appear in a perfect world? According to Genesis 3, the fall of Adam and Eve brought sin, evil, and death here.

But that answer raises another issue. Even before the Fall, evil already had existed, manifested by the “serpent,” who deceived Eve (Genesis 3:1–5). Hence, we need to go back, even before the Fall, in order to find the source and origins of the evil that so dominates our present existence and that at times can make it pretty miserable.

Thought question: Why would a God who knows everything, create a beings whom He knew would go against Him?

Rebellion in a perfect universe (Qtr 4 - Week 1: 1 October) Part1
Rebellion in a perfect universe (Qtr 4 - Week 1: 1 October) Part2

Audio recordings are available 5-10 minutes after the show has aired.

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