Wisdom for Righteous Living (Qtr 1 - Week 8: 24 February)

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Wisdom for Righteous Living (Qtr 1 - Week 8: 24 February)

Post by LMcDonald »

2024 Qtr 1 Wk 8 Wisdom for Righteous Living.jpg
Key Text: “So teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom” (Psalm 90:12, NKJV).

As we have seen, God’s grace provides for the forgiveness of sin, and it creates a new heart in the repentant sinner, who now lives by faith.

God’s Word also provides instructions for righteous living (Psalm 119:9–16). Keeping God’s law is by no means a legalistic observance of rules but life in an intimate relationship with God, a life full of blessings (Psalm 119:1, 2; Psalm 128).

However, the life of the righteous person is not without temptations. Sometimes the righteous can be tempted by the cunning nature of sin (Psalm 141:2–4) and even fall to that temptation. God allows times of testing to let His children’s faithfulness (or unfaithfulness) be clearly revealed. If God’s children heed God’s instruction and admonishment, their faith will be purified and their trust in the Lord strengthened. Wisdom for righteous living is gained through the dynamics of life with God amid temptations and challenges. Thus, the prayer that God would teach us to number our days so that we may gain a heart of wisdom (Psalm 90:12) reflects an ongoing commitment to walk in faithfulness to the Lord.

Thought questions: Why can the way of the wicked sometimes appear more desirable than the counsel of the righteous (Psalm 141)? That is, how do we deal with the apparent fact that oftentimes the wicked seem to be doing very well?

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