Dieting is not new to most people who are overweight. They have all tried this many times before. Some are so incensed at what their friends are saying about them that they will go without food entirely for a short time, only to return to their former habits as soon as the urge has passed. Going to such extremes rarely does any permanent good. The only solution is a completely new pattern of living, such as these simple steps outlined here: -
1. Take smaller quantities of food. Continue with a balanced diet, but cut out all those rich desserts you like so much. They are too high in calories. You can do well without them. But be sure to include reason¬able amounts of potatoes and whole-grain cereals in your diet. They are valuable additions to your diet and are essential to health. Be sure to avoid all foods that are high in fat, such as ice cream, pastry, rich cakes, and candies of all kinds.
2. Be careful about ‘leftovers’. Many housewives put on weight because they hate to see food wasted, Far better to prepare less food and avoid the problem of ‘leftovers’.
3. Stop nibbling between meals. Train yourself to get along on less food. Soon you will enjoy living on a reduced diet, and you will be surprised at how well you feel.
4. Sensible exercise, taken every day, will help to use up those extra calories. Walking is a fine form of exercise. Putting those large leg muscles to work will help burn up more unwanted calories.
5. Avoid rich desserts. All that excess sugar is high in calories but low in food value. Your best exercise is to push yourself away from the table while you are still hungry!
6. Remember, regular eating is important. Your meals should be smaller than average, well prepared, and attractively arranged on the table. There is no reason for you not to enjoy your meals, even though you are now taking less food than you once thought you needed. Soon you will learn to eat less and enjoy it more.
7. Do not go hungry for long. Eating regularly but sparingly is the best way to lose weight.
8. Be sure to have a good breakfast. This will carry you through the day, and you will be less tempted to nibble sweets and snacks between meals.
9. Use these foods freely - lettuce, celery, greens, tomatoes, and carrots. They are all low in calories, but are high in vitamins and minerals and have real food value. Such things can also be used to ward off hunger pains between meals, if you must have something.
loosing weight sensibly